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I once read a journalist’s tweet opining that people become less open to new music after their early 20s. There may some truth to that — all our tastes tend to calcify as we age — but premature closures of the mind should be resisted. The older we get, the more we need to force ourselves out of our comfort zones and keep exploring.
To that end, I am going to devote some posts in this newsletter to music that I think is worth your time. The first artist I’ll cover is Ben Howard (Home | Wikipedia), because I just received my pre-order of Howard’s new album (Collections from the Whiteout).
To be honest, I don’t love the new album, but I appreciate how Howard continues to experiment. Each of Howard’s albums has been radically different from the others. The two must-buy Howard albums to date are his first and second LPs, Every Kingdom and I Forget Where We Were.
Here are some Howard tracks I would recommend for new listeners. If you don’t like one, try the others:
Ryan McCarl (LinkedIn | Twitter | Blog) is an attorney and educator in Los Angeles who is committed to lifelong learning and growth. If you’d like to receive my new posts by email, please click the button below to subscribe. Subscriptions are free unless you choose to pay:
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